The Vampire Diaries is an American powerful high schooler show TV series created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, in view of the book series of a similar name composed by L. J. Smith. The series debuted on The CW on September 10, 2009, and closed on Walk 10, 2017, having circulated 171 episodes north of eight seasons.
The pilot episode pulled in the biggest crowd for The CW of any series debut since the organization started in 2006;[1] the principal season found the middle value of 3.60 million viewers.[2] It turned into the most-watched series on the organization prior to being superseded by Bolt. The show has gotten various winning four Individuals’ Decision Grants and numerous Adolescent Decision Grants.
In April 2015, lead entertainer Nina Dobrev, who played Elena Gilbert, affirmed that she would leave the show after its 6th season. Dobrev got back to record a voiceover for the seventh-season finale and returned as a visitor star in the series finale.
[3] In Walk 2016, The CW recharged the series for an eighth season,[4] yet in July of that year declared that the eighth season, comprising of 16 episodes, would be the show’s last.[5] The last season started broadcasting on October 21, 2016, and finished Walk 10, 2017.
The concept and characters created in the series effectively sent off a media establishment that incorporates other TV series, web series, books and comic books. The TV series The Firsts (2013-2018) – which likewise broadcasted on The CW – was the main significant passage in this assortment of associated works, trailed by a side project of The Firsts entitled Heritages (2018-2022), which circulated on The CW too.
The series is set in the made up town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, a town accused of otherworldly history. It follows the existence of Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), a teen young lady who has recently lost the two guardians in an auto collision, as she falls head over heels for a 161-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley), who she believes is only a typical human. Their relationship turns out to be progressively multifaceted as Stefan’s puzzling more established sibling Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) gets back to Spiritualist Falls with an arrangement to bring back their past affection, Katherine Puncture, who is Elena’s doppelgänger. ÂIn spite of the fact that Damon at first holds resentment against his sibling for compelling him to turn into a vampire, he later accommodates with Stefan and experiences passionate feelings for Elena, making a circle of drama among the three. The two siblings endeavor to safeguard Elena as they face different reprobates and dangers to their town, including Katherine. The Salvatore siblings’ pasts and the town’s set of experiences alongside its insider facts are uncovered through flashbacks as the series goes on.
Added storylines spin around different occupants of the town, most quite Elena’s more youthful sibling Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R. McQueen) and auntie Jenna Sommers (Sara Canning), her dearest companions Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham) and Caroline Forbes (Candice Ruler), their common companions Matt Donovan (Zach Roerig) and Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino), Matt’s more established sister Vicki Donovan (Kayla Ewell), and their set of experiences educator, vampire tracker Alaric Saltzman (Matthew Davis). The town’s governmental issues are organized by the Pioneers’ committee, involving relatives of the establishing families: the Fells, the Forbes, the Lockwoods, the Gilberts, and the Salvatores. They monitor the town basically from vampires and other extraordinary dangers like werewolves, witches, crossovers (werewolf/vampire), and apparitions.